Rayon Pièces de théâtre
A streetcar named Desire : from pen to prop : play & film

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 149 pages
Poids : 196 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-7302-1609-8
EAN : 9782730216098

A streetcar named Desire

from pen to prop
play & film

Paru le
Broché 149 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Langues et Cultures

From Pen to Prop

« Play andFilm » invites studentsto explore and evaluate one example of major 20th century American drama and to determine how its filmed version has been used to advantage. An even broader understanding of both the play and the film is thus made possible, as students consider the varying stratégies with which playwright and film director address modem concerns.

Students will be aided by detailed scene-by-scene analyses, guided questions and critical com-mentaries as well as by analyses of thematic content and by the sometimes contrasting points of view of director and playwright, drama critic and actor. It is hoped that this will help students to make explicit the reasons that they interpreted moments of the play or the film as they did and to buttress their interprétations with pertinent arguments.

This first volume examines Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire and the film version by Elia Kazan. The book also includes recent work on Tennessee Williams by scholars Henry I. Schvey, John S. Bak, ALessandro Clericuzio and Marie Liénard-Yeterian. Their articles provide fresh perspectives on the playwright and his world-both personal and artistic.


Marie Liénard-Yeterian. Professor of American Literature and Cinéma at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and at the École polytechnique, France. Her major fields of research are Southern Literature, American Théâtre and the American South in Film. Her publications include articles on W. Faulkner, F. O'Connor, E. Gaines, T. Williams and J. Ray ; Deliverance, Midnight in the Gardien of Good and Evil, Cold Mountain and No Country for Old Men ; a book titled Faulkner et le cinéma (Michel Houdiard Editeur, 2010). She has co-authored a book on the Southern Gothic and Grotesque (Nouvelles du Sud, Éd. École polytechnique, 2007), and co-edited Le Sud au cinéma and Culture et Mémoire (Éd. École polytechnique, 2008 and 2009). She is working on a book on the American South on screen.

Aliki Diaz -Kostakis. Maître de Conférences in American Studies at the École polytechnique from 1998 to 2011. A graduate of the City University of New York and of the Sorbonne (Paris III) with a Degree in Comparative Literature. She has worked as a translator and is the co-author of a series of textbooks on second language acquisition.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Marie Liénard-Yeterian

Du même auteur : Aliki Kostakis

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