Fiche technique
Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 380 pages
Poids : 470 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-913688-46-9
EAN : 9782913688469
scarabs, cockchafers, rove beetles, hydrophiloid beetles...
Quatrième de couverture
This volume, dedicated to a portion of the suborder Polyphaga, aims to enable entomologists, whether amateurs or experienced, to recognise the beetles they encounter in nature. More than 600 species are covered, the majority illustrated in colour across 26 plates showcasing the talent of Gaëtan du Chatenet.
Among the most emblematic families of beetles are treated here, belonging to the Histeroidea (histerids), Hydrophiloidea (water scavenger beetles), Staphylinoidea (carrion beetles, burying beetles, and rove beetles), Scarabaeoidea (scarabs, chafer beetles, flower chafers, stag beetles, dung beetles), and Scirtoidea. The majority of these species are phytophagous, with many being coprophagous. Some are aquatic. Here, you shall find the largest and smallest beetles in Europe.
Line drawings and synthetic keys help to recognise families and subfamilies. Each species is provided with precise information, including the main characteristics for identification, aspects of biology and ethology, habitat, period of occurrence, and distribution, complemented by a map covering Western Europe, from Iceland to Finland and from Morocco to Greece. For large or challenging groups, references to specialised publications are provided. Anatomical drawings (especially of genitalia) are also included when necessary for reliable identification.