Rayon Architecture domestique, habitations
Case study houses : the complete CSH program 1945-1966

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 511 pages
Poids : 1110 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-3-8365-8787-7
EAN : 9783836587877

Case study houses

the complete CSH program 1945-1966

Collection(s) | 40th
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Relié 511 pages
epilogue and principal photographies by Julius Shulman
edited by Peter Gössel
notes on the furnishings by Shannon and Peter Loughrey
translation Christiane Court, Uta Hoffmann, Christian Rochow et al.
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Quatrième de couverture

L'habitat moderne

La rétrospective intégrale du programme Case Study House

Le programme Case Study House représente un événement sans précédent dans l'histoire de l'architecture américaine. Chantre du modernisme, John Entenza en fut la force motrice et appela certains des plus grands noms de l'architecture, dont Richard Neutra, Charles et Ray Eames, ou Eero Saarinen, à y participer. Cette rétrospective célèbre chacun des 36 prototypes de maison à travers une documentation complète agrémentée de plans, croquis et photos.

The modern home

A complete retrospective of the Case Study House program

The Case Study House program is a landmark of American architecture. Its driving force, John Entenza, was a champion of Modernism who brought together some of history's greatest talents, including Richard Neutra, Charles and Ray Eames, and Eero Saarinen. This retrospective revisits all 36 prototype homes through comprehensive documentation, photography, floor plans, and sketches.

Das moderne wohnhaus

Eine vollständige Retrospektive des Case-Study-House-Programms

Das Case-Study-House-Programm ist ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte der amerikanischen Architektur.

Seine treibende Kraft, John Entenza, war ein Verfechter des Modernismus, der einige der größten Talente der Architektur zusammenbrachte, darunter Richard Neutra, Charles und Ray Eames und Eero Saarinen. Diese Rückschau feiert alle 36 Wohnhausprototypen anhand umfassender Dokumentationen, Fotografien, Grundrisse und Zeichnungen.


The photographer : American photographer Julius Shulman's images of Californian architecture have burned themselves into the retina of the 20th century. Some of his architectural photographs, like the iconic shots of Frank Lloyd Wright's or Pierre Koenig's remarkable structures, have been published countless times. The brilliance of buildings like those by Charles Eames, as well as those of his close friend Richard Neutra, was first brought to light by Shulman's photography. Each Shulman image unites perception and understanding for the buildings and their place in the landscape. Today, a great many of the buildings documented by Shulman have disappeared or been crudely converted, but the thirst for his pioneering images is stronger than ever before.

The author : Elizabeth A. T. Smith is Executive Director of the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation in New York.
Previously, she was Executive Director at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto and Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art In Los Angeles. While at LA MOCA she curated the 1989 exhibition Blueprints for Modern Living : History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses.

The editor : Peter Goessel runs an agency for museum and exhibition design. He has published Taschen monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner, and Richard Neutra, as well as several titles in the Basic Architecture series.

Avis des lecteurs

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Case study houses : the complete CSH program 1945-1966