Fiche technique
Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 97 pages
Poids : 135 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 22cm
ISBN : 978-2-343-06244-0
EAN : 9782343062440
Confessions from the couch
psychoanalytical notions illustrated with extracts from sessions
Quatrième de couverture
The unconscious? The Oedipus complex? The castration complex? Neurosis? The objet a?
What are they?
And what does one say to an analyst? What happens during an analysis?
For those asking questions about psychoanalysis, Confessions from the Couch gives clear and simple answers.
The principal psychoanalytical notions, both Freudian and Lacanian, are explained and illustrated with chosen extracts from actual analytical sessions.
Valérie Blanco has brilliantly used an everyday language to explain concepts that can be difficult to grasp.
This book is accessible to everybody. It offers a riveting opening into psychoanalysis and allows the reader a glimpse of actual psychoanalytical practice.