Rayon Transport ferroviaire
Dream trains : to discover another world

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 229 pages
Poids : 1626 g
Dimensions : 31cm X 25cm
ISBN : 978-9954-695-73-9
EAN : 9789954695739

Dream trains

to discover another world

Collection(s) | Autour du monde
Paru le
Relié 229 pages
English translation Kristi Jones
Tout public

Quatrième de couverture

Autour du monde

Like beautiful music, this journey in eighty trains around the world is meant to be enjoyed to its fullest. From North to South America, from Europe to Asia as well as Oceania, the unprecedented texts and unforgettable photographs of this book transport us to the very heart of the dream of rail.

Who wouldn't thrill to climb aboard one of these unique trains, to discover enchanting, spectacular landscapes ? They are vectors of attractiveness, of social bonds as well as cultural or gastronomic revelations, and a magnificent example of the success of ecotourism. Dream Trains tells the story of the charm of vintage - steam or rack rail - trains, the picture- perfect day trains or the refined elegance of a luxury train. This book also evokes the history of the legendary rail lines that have shaped the landscape and the human adventures of bygone eras. For us, we travellers from around the globe, each page offers marvellous moments of pure escape, and the exquisite opportunity to travel through time.

Avis des lecteurs

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