Livres en français

Chez Exact Change

29 résultats

René Daumal Mount Analogue

Joseph Cornell´s Dreams

John Cage Composition in Retrospect

The Book by Stephane Mallarme

Lautreamont Maldoror Complete Works

Louis Aragon The Adventures of Telemachus

Philippe Soupault Last Nights Of Paris

Guillaume Apollinaire The Poet Assassinated

Hebdomeros & Other Writngs : a Novel by Giorgio De Chirico

Denton Welch A Voice Through A Cloud

Denton Welch Maiden Voyage

Guillaume Apollinaire Heresiarch & Co

The Death And Letters Of Alice James

Louis Aragon Paris Peasant

Denton Welch In Youth Is Pleasure

The Supermale

Immemory : A cd-rom by Chris Marker