Rayon Cuisine et recettes
French pastries and desserts by Lenôtre : more than 200 classic recipes

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 431 pages
Poids : 2248 g
Dimensions : 19cm X 27cm
ISBN : 978-2-08-020693-0
EAN : 9782080206930

French pastries and desserts by Lenôtre

more than 200 classic recipes

Collection(s) | Pratique
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Relié 431 pages
translation from the French Ansley Evans
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Quatrième de couverture

The original edition of Gaston Lenôtre's groundbreaking cookbook inspired generations of aspiring pastry chefs. In this fully revised new edition, you will learn how to bake everything from a Paris-Brest to a Gâteau Saint-Honoré, and how to unlock the secrets of puff pastries, soufflés, charlottes, Bavarian cream, and festive Yule logs. More than 200 recipes ranging from basic to advanced are clearly and simply presented, making them accessible to bakers of every skill level.

With thanks to Gaston Lenôtre's daughter Sylvie Gille-Naves, who also collaborated with him on the original edition of this book, his son Alain Lenôtre, with whom he established the Lenôtre culinary schools, and the chefs at Maison Lenôtre, who carefully reviewed and updated every recipe, this classic work is once again available to home chefs everywhere.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Gaston Lenôtre

Les vins des pays de la Loire : portraits oenologiques

Les desserts de mon enfance

Saveurs de chasse

Recettes insolites

Les jardins gourmands des Lenôtre

La Cuisine du bonheur ou le Temps maîtrisé

Tartes et entremets

Les petites toques chocolat Lenôtre