Rayon Policiers (romans ou nouvelles)
Hamish Macbeth. Death of a gossip

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 169 pages
Poids : 164 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 19cm
ISBN : 978-2-8187-0855-2
EAN : 9782818708552

Death of a gossip

Série | Hamish Macbeth
Collection(s) | Yes you can!
Paru le
Broché 169 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Death of a Gossip

Alice Wilson isn't so sure about this fishing class she's come to in the Scottish Highlands. They have all started on the wrong foot and it doesn't help that Lady Jane Winters is going around spilling everyone's dirty secrets. It is rather safe to say all of them wished her dead at some point.

And Hamish Macbeth is just a lazy unambitious village bobby, he can't possibly know a thing about murder, can he ?

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : M.C. Beaton

Agatha Raisin enquête. Vol. 1. La quiche fatale

Agatha Raisin enquête. Vol. 2. Remède de cheval

Agatha Raisin enquête. Vol. 4. Randonnée mortelle

Agatha Raisin enquête. Panique au manoir

Agatha Raisin enquête. L'enfer de l'amour

Hamish Macbeth. Qui a une taille de guêpe

Hamish Macbeth. Vol. 12. Bras de fer