Fiche technique
Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 720 pages
Poids : 980 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-7453-1577-9
EAN : 9782745315779
Historia ecclesiastica
Quatrième de couverture
This is the first English translation of Hobbes's long Latin poem, the Historia Ecclesiastica of 1688, which seems to have suffered the same benign neglect as the last two books of Leviathan. For, until recently not a single book or article out of the many thousands of items on Hobbes addressed his Latin poetry, or mentioned the Historia Ecclesiastica except in passing. This, despite the fact that in the reception of Hobbes's work his ecclesiology was regarded as of utmost importance. Moreover, the Historia Ecclesiastica is more than just a Church History and reprises the main doctrines of Hobbes's epistemology and metaphysics, fitting into the scheme of his works as a missing link between the English and the Latin Leviathans.