Rayon Maladies et thérapeutiques
Homeopathy and the immune system : essay on homeopathy and immunity applied to allergy

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 60 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-915668-60-5
EAN : 9782915668605

Homeopathy and the immune system

essay on homeopathy and immunity applied to allergy


Paru le
Broché 60 pages
translated from french by Bénédicte Clément
medical proofreading for the translation by Ronald Boyer
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Quatrième de couverture

Allergies and inflammation are at the core of our daily clinical concerns. With this dense and precise book, Jean Mouillet offers a clear and concise CME on a constantly evolving topic, but he also invites us to reflect on our homeopathic notion of terrain, its richness and shortfalls. Furthermore, he warns us about being tempted to standardize our clinical practice and reminds us of our dream as homeopaths to always consider medicine as an Art.


Jean Mouillet , ENT physician and allergy specialist linked to the University Hospital (CHU) of Reims, France, has been consulting in his private practice for almost 30 years. Since the beginning he has been practicing homeopathy, allowing him to have a reliable and efficient approach to pediatrics ENT pathologies as well as to treating adolescents and adults in their various pathologies. Cofounder and member of the Reims Homeopathic Society that has been in activity for over 25 years, he is a CEDH teacher in France and abroad where he can discover other medical cultures.

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