Rayon Equidés
Horses, Morocco's treasure

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 189 pages
Poids : 1724 g
Dimensions : 30cm X 28cm
ISBN : 978-88-205-6003-0
EAN : 9789920560030

Horses, Morocco's treasure

Collection(s) | Culture & patrimoine
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Relié 189 pages
photography Ricky Lavern Martin
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Morocco's Treasure

The horse's grace in motion, beauty and power, soft coat and profound gaze have fascinated humankind since the dawn of time. In Morocco, horses have led through centuries of history and culture. Beloved by sultans and by kings, this proud companion of rural and nomadic peoples has been part of a rich heritage forged in ancestral and authentic tradition.

Through the magic of words, the fascination of images, and the emotion of shared experiences, this fine book takes the reader into a deep discovery of the horses of Morocco. Heritage, Stud farm, Tbourida, Dialogue..., each word is a universe unto itself, a theme that awakes the senses and enters the equestrian world to explore its realm.

In the Kingdom of Morocco, the horse is a creature of nobility.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Marie-Pascale Rauzier

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