Rayon Les artistes
HR Giger

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 511 pages
Poids : 1100 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-3-8365-8702-0
EAN : 9783836587020

HR Giger

Collection(s) | 40th
Paru le
Relié 511 pages
edited by Hans Werner Holzwarth
English translation Christopher Cordy, Hayley Haupt
French translation Céline Maurice, Stéphanie Lux
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Quatrième de couverture

Mythologies du futur

Les angoisses, les fantasmes et l'art biomécanique de HR Giger

Entrez dans un monde à la puissance obsédante et au psychédélisme obseur avec cet hommage rendu à la vision biomécanique de HR Giger. Cette édition aborde l'intégralité de ses peintures et de ses sculptures, son oeuvre cinématographique, ses couvertures d'album légendaires et le musée personnel de l'artiste, à travers un essai d'Andreas J. Hirsch et une biographie détaillée fondée sur des analyses contemporaines et sur HR Giger.

Mythologies for the Future

Fears, fantasies, and the biomechanical art of HR Giger

Enter a world of haunting power and dark psychedelia with this tribute to the biomechanical visions of HR Giger. This volume spans the full range of Giger's work across painting, sculpture, film, design, iconic album covers, and his unique artist's museum, with an essay by Andreas J. Hirsch and an extensive artist biography based on contemporary reviews and Giger's own statements.

Mythen für die Zukunft

Ängste. Fantasien und die biomechanische Kunst von HR Giger

Mit diesem Tribut an HR Gigers biomechanische Visionen betreten wir eine Welt von eindringlicher Kraft und düsterer Psychedelik. Dieses Buch umfasst die komplette Bandbreite seines Schaffens zwischen Malerei, Skulptur, Filmdesign, ikonischen Plattencovern und seinem einzigartigen Künstlermuseum, zusammen mit einem Essay von Andreas J. Hirsch und einer ausführlichen Biografie des Künstlers anhand von zeitgenössischen Rezensionen und Gigers eigenen Aussagen.


The artist : HR Giger (1940-2014) was a Swiss painter, sculptor, and designer, who combined surrealist influences and dark fantasies to create his very own biomechanical universe. He first received acclaim in the 1960s with his airbrushed fantasies of post-apocalyptie creatures and landscapes, and rose to fame through high-profile movie work, most notably the creation of the monster in Alien, which won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. HR Giger was named in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2013.

The editor : Hams Werner Holzwarth is a hook designer and editor specializing in contemporary art and photography. His Taschen publications include Collector's Editions like Jeff Koons, Christopher Wool, Albert Oehlen, Ai Weiwei, and the David Hockney SUMO A Bigger Book, as well as monographs like the XXL-sized Jean-Michel Basquiat and survey books such as Modern Art and Art Now ! Vols 3 and 4.

The author : Andreas J. Hirsch, born 1961 in Vienna, is an author, curator, and artistic photographer. His writings include books on Pablo Picasso, Ludwig van Beethoven, Tina Modotti, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the history of Vienna and of Ars Electronica, and HR Giger. From 2009 to 2014. he was curator at the KunstHausWien and organized exhibitions on Henri Cartier-Bresson, Linda McCartney, and HR Giger, among others.

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