Fiche technique
Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 320 pages
Poids : 658 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-36662-007-8
EAN : 9782366620078
Identifying animals
all vertebrates of France, Benelux, Great Britain and Ireland
Quatrième de couverture
A novel concept !
> 5 naturalist guides in one
> With instant access to animal songs and calls
¤ This bilingual (French-English) guide to vertebrates facilitates accurate and easy identification of 640 species : all birds, mammals (including cetaceans and bats), reptiles, amphibians and freshwater fish.
¤ Geographical scope :
Great Britain
The Netherlands
This small-format naturalist guide should always be kept within easy reach !
¤ top quality watercolours ;
¤ concise texts, giving the size, an overall description, and the main habitats of each species ;
¤ comparisons between species, important features highlighted ;
¤ distribution maps updated with the most recent data ;
¤ rarity status by large areas indicated for each species ;
¤ species names in French, English and Dutch, together with scientific names.
Listen very simply to animal sounds via a mobile phone with internet access
1. Downtoad a free QR code reader on your smartphone (App Store for iOS devices and Google Play for Android devices).
2. Launch the app and scan the QR code of the species that interests you.
3. Confirm your identification according to the song or call.