Fiche technique
Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 166 pages
Poids : 1018 g
Dimensions : 31cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-3-7165-1815-1
EAN : 9783716518151
In the basement
Quatrième de couverture
Ulrich Seidl In the Basement
Claus Philipp, Astrid Wolfig (eds.)
With his film essay, Austrian director Ulrich Seidl returns to the documentary form. For this book of the same name, Seidl has selected from « In the Basement » a collection of images that tell stories ail their own.
« In the Basement » delves into the underground of the Austrian soûl : It touches on brass-band music and opéra arias, expensive furniture and cheap male jokes, sexuality and sadism, fitness and fascism, love and the longing for love. Baedekers for this journey through basement topographies are essays by Herbert Lachmayer, Olaf Möller, Franz Schuh and Ute Woltron, which shed light on the subterranean shadow world. In an interview with Markus Keuschnigg and Claus Philipp, Ulrich Seidl, observer of his fellow humans and surveyor of spaces, reflects on his film and the human abysses that find outlets in the depths of people's basements.