Fiche technique
Format : Broché
Nb de pages : XC-267 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-503-52873-1
EAN : 9782503528731
Lectura Erfordiensis in I-VI Metaphysicam together with the 15th century Abbreviatio Caminensis
Quatrième de couverture
The aim of the present edition is to make two texts available which can throw some more light on the role of Aristotle's Metaphysics in 14th-15th academic teaching. One of them contains part of an early (hitherto unknown) version of John Buridan's Questions on Metaphysics, the other is a 15th century abbreviation of precisely this early version. Remarkably, both texts belong to the East European tradition of Buridan's works, which is the more interesting as they testify to the master's earlier activities as a Parisian teacher on the subject of metaphysics. In particular, they elucidate Buridan's ongoing semantic approach to matters of metaphysics and ontology as well as his attitude to Aristotle's authority.