Rayon Maison et décoration
Living in Japan

Fiche technique

Format : Relié sous jaquette
Nb de pages : 501 pages
Poids : 990 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-3-8365-6631-5
EAN : 9783836566315

Living in Japan

Collection(s) | Bibliotheca universalis
Paru le
Relié sous jaquette 501 pages
texts by Alex Kerr, Kathy and Arlyn Sokol
edited by Angelika Taschen
German translation Simone Ott Caduff and Nella Beljan, French translation Philippe Safavi
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Quatrième de couverture

Nids nippons

Maisons japonaises contemporaines d'exception

Jardins manucurés avec rigueur, parois coulissantes et matériaux naturels chaleureux : les intérieurs japonais sont des havres de tranquillité conçus dans le style local unique du minimalisme oriental. L'architecture traditionnelle côtoie le nec plus ultra de l'habitat contemporain dans cette anthologie d'intérieurs riche en photos inédites. Tournez-vous vers le soleil levant et découvrez la simplicité fluide de ces espaces où respire la philosophie zen.

Nippon nests

Today's most exceptional Japanese homes

Carefully manicured gardens, sliding screens, and warm natural materials : Japanese homes are refuges of tranquility, crafted in a unique domestic aesthetic of Eastern minimalism. Traditional architecture features alongside cutting-edge contemporary dwellings in this collection of homes, with many never-before-seen photographs. Turn to the rising sun and discover the fluid simplicity of these spaces where Zen philosophy breathes.

Ein hauch von zen

Positionen zeitgenössischer japanischer Architektur

Sorgsam gepflegte Gärten, genau durchdachte Raumkonzepte, die charakteristischen Schiebewände und warme Naturbaustoffe in Kombination mit modernsten Materialien : Japanische Wohnhäuser sind Refugien der Ruhe, erbaut im Geiste des östlichen Minimalismus, der Reduktion auf das Wesentliche. Dieser reich illustrierte Band zeigt traditionelle Architektur Seite an Seite mit ultramodernen Wohnbauten, die überlieferte Bauformen und -techniken auf verblüffende und fantasievolle Weise neu interpretieren.


The photographer : Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to such TASCHEN publications as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia, and Great Escapes Europe.

The editor : Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.

The authors : Author, art collector, calligrapher, and restorer of old houses, Alex Kerr has lived in Japan and Thailand since 1964. As a writer, he is known for Lost Japan (1996), Dogs and Demons (2001), and Another Kyoto (2016). Kathy Arlyn Sokol is a writer, interviewer, and award-winning narrator. Her published works include Rasta Time, based on her exclusive interview with Bob Marley, and Another Kyoto, co-written with Alex Kerr, on the secrets of the ancient city. She presently resides in Udaipur in Rajasthan, India.

Avis des lecteurs

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Living in Japan