Rayon Gestion des entreprises
Mastering digital marketing like a boss : beyond social media

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 302 pages
Poids : 550 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-36778-021-4
EAN : 9782367780214

Mastering digital marketing like a boss

beyond social media

Chez Kawa

Paru le
Broché 302 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Mastering digital marketing like a boss
... Beyond social media

As of 2014, one can assume that almost the entirety of the world's businesses is practicing digital marketing in one way or another. However, digital marketing remains a mystery for many in the business world. It is a peculiar mixture of strategic know-how, communication skills, content creation (and co-creation), word-of-mouth marketing, high-tech project management, change management and technological expertise ; mastering this subtle alchemy is still a challenge for many business people.

The aim of this book is to help decision-makers overcome this tremendous challenge posed by an ever-changing Web, which is increasingly global (or should we say « glocal »), ever more social and mobile, as well as closely intertwined with core business activities.

Even though this book mentions social media a lot and although social is now an integral part of the digital marketing mix, its aim is much broader than that, hence its subtitle.

The subjects covered by « mastering digital marketing like a boss » are :

  1. How Significant Is Digital Marketing ? Depicts the History of the Web, its characteristics and evolution. Digital marketing isn't a fad, it can be likened to a tidal wave which changes our economies, redefines our businesses, revolutionises the rules of marketing and communication,
  2. Content At The Heart Of A Digital Marketing Strategy : « content is King » is an understatement. All digital marketing strategy is based on this raw material we call'content' and the name of the game is « how can I use it cleverly ? »,
  3. Implementing One's Digital Strategy : creating content is crucial but it's not sufficient. This chapter will demonstrate how one can create an effective digital strategy,
  4. Structuring One's Digital Strategy : creating a Website or a blog is easy. Managing change within a business, evolving its governance and skillset is more difficult. In this chapter we will see how this is done.
  5. For Those Who Missed The Boat Of The Digital Revolution : if you are still wondering what digital marketing can do for you and your business, especially a small business, this chapter was written for you. If this is not your case, here you will find rock-solid arguments for convincing your co-workers.

The inside story of the Web

The Web is quite a contrast. It is like coins whose two faces neither leave nor ever meet each other.

On the head side, the emergence of a new economy, job creation, spectacular growth of a new type of companies, invention of new services, acceleration of innovation, spreading of ideas and knowledge, evolution of modes of interaction between individuals, etc.

On the tails side, the hyper power of the stakeholders organizing information worldwide, the destruction of entire sectors of the industry (music, film, etc.), the disappearance of traditional media (newspapers, radio, etc.), the replacement of information by opinion, the challenging of intellectual property, the evaporation of nation states' prerogatives...

This book sometimes deals with the web, sometimes with what it influences, transforms, changes : professions (marketing, management, product desing, etc.), behaviours, morals, ideas, conceptions (in particular in the innovation area), work, communication, knowledge, culture...

It is intended for those who do not wish to play heads or tails. It is equivalent to the coin resting upright, thus revealing both sides of the same phenomena

The Internet was first a media. It became an industry before turning into a community. The latter should reflect on what it is, what it does and what it thinks. This book asks, and asks this community, a number of questions, initiates answers and opens up a number of areas for further reflections.

It does not denounce anything or anyone. It simply expresses, often in an original and unusual way, sometimes in an iconoclastic manner, new ideas, at which more are hosted in the web era than pending in the moment.

The Inside Story of the Web is neither an academic work nor a theoretical work. Intuition and freedom play a major role in this book. It is based on one and a half decade spent in the digital industry, mixing with stakeholders, its entrepreneurs, behind the scenes...Without ever missing the opportunity to reflect, motivated by an attentive mind and a watchful eye.

Let us be clear, we are not here to put water in your wine, but to turn your ware into wine. This book is an appeal for reaction, start, realization and action on a new reality personified by the Web.

Business is digital - Now !

Digital best practices et examples around the world : Asia, Europe, Middle-East, Americas,...

Digitization as a sustainable advantage in a connected world.

We live in dynamic and turbulent times. Digital is everywhere and no sector has been spared - the market of cultural goods, media as well as industry have all come through it. Although a bit destabilizing, this phenomenon is quite fascinating and full of promises.

Digital barely existed 15 years ago and it is now the focus of international attention. From a business point of view, the digitization is spreading while products, services, brands or sectors are partially or completely transformed, taking into account the new technologies and the connected way we consume. The Social web has opened new fields and more generally, the Peer2Peer approach forces companies to redefine their process at every level : RetD, HR, IT, Marketing, Communication, Sales... Such a Challenge to take up !

Digitization is a great opportunity to change rules and give new perspectives for any market or firm. How to benefit from this social digitization ? What are the new bisiness rules ? How to inform, communicate and sell in the digital era while integrating mobility ?

These are all questions that this book aims to answer with 15 years hindsight : best practices, key success factors, current and future structural trends...

While living in 3 different continents (Europe, Asia, Middle East), the 4 authors of this book gathered their expertise to give a global insight to the digitizing world :

  • Emmanuel Fraysse (Paris)
  • Fahim Benchouk (Abu Dhabi)
  • Alexandre Michelin (Paris but only a week per month...)
  • Martin Pasquier (Singapore)


Yann Gourvennec has 10 years experience as a Director of Digital Media and Social media for international Telecom leader Orange, amidst a long-standing experience in marketing, information systems and Web marketing. He is a lecturer, a keynote speaker, an author and blogger. In early 2014, he went from intrapreneur to entrepreneur when he founded his digital marketing agency Visionary Marketing. Among his clients are Asterion, Business and Decision, Celum, Orange and Youstice.com(...)ygourven

Hervé Kabla, is a blogger and entrepreneur, with a strong background in technology and startups. He is the founder and CEO of Be Angels, a digital marketing agency with a focus on social media for B2C and B2B. Be Angels supports its clients with the implementation of their digital marketing strategies in social media. Among his clients are Yoplait, Allianz, EY, Sage and MSD. (...)hervekabla

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