Rayon Policiers (romans ou nouvelles)
Murder on the green

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 268 pages
Poids : 245 g
Dimensions : 11cm X 18cm
ISBN : 979-10-90915-00-8
EAN : 9791090915008

Murder on the green

Paru le
Broché 268 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Murder on the Green

« A detective story for anyone who's ever wanted to kill their partner ! »
Golf Magazine

Amanda Nelson is dead... She was the mistress of Will Tyron Jr., the world's number 1 golfer. And the daughter of General Boyle, a military advisor to the former President of the United States.

Passion surrounds this woman... Too much passion : she was found buried in a bunker at St Andrews Golf Course, her head bashed in...

« I still shiver when I think back on the start of the investigation... I was quite far from imagining at that time that the investigation would lead me from the Scottish coast, through Georgia and the mugginess of the American South, to a wind-beaten Irish Moor.
And how could I have expected what was going to happen there ? My goodness ! It was going to be a test of my mettle... »
Archibald Sweeney
Criminal Investigation Department, Edinburgh

Avis des lecteurs

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