Rayon France

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 56 pages
Poids : 150 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-36746-472-5
EAN : 9782367464725


Collection(s) | Je découvre
Paru le
Broché 56 pages

Quatrième de couverture

The region of Nantes offers a diversity of landscapes, oscillating between flourishing country, wooded hills, secret valleys, southern mildness, river and ocean. The Loire river weaves throughout the region. This long-distance river attracts adventurers and explorers with the mysteries it keeps. From Chantenay to Trentemoult, from Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire and Basse-Goulaine, this region, full of traditions, customs and legends, keep unveiling its charms, radiating around the historical capital city of Britany: Nantes. The Cité des Ducs appears in a background of greenery and waters, claiming more than ever its Breton and Celtic identity, displaying its flag like a standard from the castle fortifications, fiefdom of the Duchess Anne of Britany.


Chloé Chamouton is à journalist in French written and web press (Le Progrès, Presse Océan...). With a degree in Imaginary Philosophy and Rationality, she is passionate about the Celtic tradition. Nowadays, she lives in Nantes and works with French specialized magazines such as Histoire Antique, Histoires Médiévales, Keltia, Le Monde des Religions and l'Express. She is also a heritage chronicler for the radio France Bleu Loire Océan.

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