Rayon Archéologie historique et épigraphie
News directions in Early medieval European archaeology : Spain and Italy compared : essays for Riccardo Francovich

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 367 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-503-56520-0
EAN : 9782503565200

News directions in Early medieval European archaeology

Spain and Italy compared
essays for Riccardo Francovich

Chez Brepols

Collection(s) | Haut Moyen Age
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Broché 367 pages

Quatrième de couverture

This book of essays is dedicated to the memory of Riccardo Francovich, one of Europe's most eminent Medieval archacologists, who died in 2007. It began as a one-day conference held at the British School at Rome the day after Riccardo Francovich would have been 65 years old, on the 11 June 2011.

The book takes as its core theme a comparison of Italian and Spanish Medieval Archacology, in each case challenging the status quo and attempting to move the boundaries of our historical discussions ever forwards. The volume attempts to evaluate if the Medieval Archacology of these two important Mediterranean countries, largely unfamiliar on the international stage, with their different "histories", can be compared. To do this, a key moment in their formation is reviewed - the passage from the Ancient to the Medieval world. This approach highlights not only the identification of singular conjunctures (the impact of the new "barbarie" aristocracies on the social structures of the Roman world, and how Islam was established, for example, in the peninsula as in Sicily), but also parallel evolutions at the macro-structural level (for example, conditions in towns and the country-side). Taking the paradigm of fragmentation as a basic starting-point that characterizes the western world after the fall of the Roman Empire, it offers comparative archacologies in terms of themes, but above all else in terms of shared methods.

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