Rayon Technologies et industries de l'énergie
Oil and natural gas : understanding the future

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 151 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 22cm X 31cm
EAN : 9782914729369

Oil and natural gas

understanding the future

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Cartonné 151 pages
préface by Hubert Reeves
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Quatrième de couverture

What future for oil and natural gas ?

Man has known oil and gas since time immemorial and their use was even recorded in the Old Testament. The inspiration for fire-worship, they were also put to more practical purposes, with oil being used both for caulking boats and covering roads and as a medicine for curing all ills !

Oil would later become the driving force for the industrial revolution.

Oil and gas are finite resources that take millions of years to form. The carbon dioxide they give off when consumed brings a risk of climate change, produced by the greenhouse effect. The gradual depletion of reserves and the human and environmental risks relating to oil mean we are having to give very serious thought to the respective roles of hydrocarbons and other energy sources in the future.


Pierre-René Bauquis was born in 1941 and graduated from top French institutes ENSG and ENSPM with degrees in Geology and in Petroleum Economics.

After working four years at the French Petroleum Institute as an engineer-economist and lecturer, he moved to the Total group, where he remained for 30 years. Following twenty years working in the natural gas sector, Pierre-René Bauquis was appointed Head of North Sea Operations, before becoming Head of Group Strategy and Planning and finally Head of Gas, Electricity and Coal.

He spent the last few years of his Total career (1995 - 2001) as a special advisor to group CEO Thierry Desmarest. He is currently Associate Professor at the ENSPM (IFP School) and Professor with TPA (Total Professors Association).

Emmanuelle Bauquis was born in 1973 and graduated from the IEP in Paris with a degree in Political Studies. She also holds degrees in French and Spanish. After teaching French in the United States, she worked in magazine publishing. She has contributed to a number of publications, covering a range of subjects, including travel guides, humanities and history.

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