Rayon Histoire
6th June 1944 : Overlord

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 82 pages
Poids : 690 g
Dimensions : 24cm X 33cm
EAN : 9782912925534

6th June 1944


Paru le
Cartonné 82 pages
drawings Mister Kit
historical counsellors, Isabelle Bournier et Rémy Desquesnes
A partir de 9 ans

Quatrième de couverture

As a good drawing is often better than a thousand explanations, what could be better than a Comic Strip to tell the tale of Operation Overlord and the Allied Landings in Normandy ?

Without wishing to give a parody of a famous phrase printed by an equally famous newspaper read by young people aged 7 to 70, it is clear that comic strips are read by a very wide public.

Bringing together pictures and texts, they are close to both literature and cinema, but are extremely good at being concise and straight to the point.

These are surely the reasons why they are read with great interest by children, teenagers, parents and grandparents alike.

I hope that this book will both serve to pass on the message of those who experienced these battles and the occupation first-hand and also interest the younger generations as they learn of the high price paid for Freedom.

Such are my wishes as, on behalf of the Normandy Landings Committee, it is my pleasure to give my support to this initiative.

Admiral Brac de la Perriere

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Serge Saint-Michel

6 juni 1944 : Overlord

Histoire des troupes de marine. Vol. 1. Les Dernières cartouches

Docteur Lumière

Overlord : 6 juin 1944, la liberté

Le roman de la tour Eiffel

6 juin 1944 : Overlord

Les Arméniens

L'Eglise et la Révolution

Les riches heures de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

Avec Massoud

Du même auteur : Mister Kit

6 juni 1944 : Overlord

North american, B-25 Mitchell

Overlord : 6 juin 1944, la liberté

6 juin 1944 : Overlord

6 juni 1944 : Overlord

6 juni 1944 : Overlord

Chasseurs embarqués américains de la dernière guerre : Grumman F4F Wildcat.

Overlord : 6th june 1944, freedom

Hawker Typhon