Rayon Archéologie historique et épigraphie

Fiche technique

Format : Coffret
Poids : 801 g
Dimensions : 7cm X 10cm
ISBN : 978-2-9537926-8-3
EAN : 9782953792683


Paru le
text Éric Fouache, Roland Besenval
translation Tom Ridgway
Tout public

Quatrième de couverture

In autumn 2010, Raphaël Dallaporta travelled to Bactria, northern Afghanistan, with a specially created pacifist drone. Designed to give a French-Afghan archaeological team a new perspective on its fieldwork, it photographed the historical palimpsest on the ground, capturing Achaemenid Empire-era fortifications and the remains of an aqueduct built by a long-extinct civilization, as well as surveying the strategic mountain passes used by Alexander the Great.

Ruins is a photographic record of the drone's flights and the traces left by history, as well as a testament to a unique adventure.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Raphaël Dallaporta

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