Rayon Philosophie, théorie et enseignement
Science communication today, 2015 : current strategies and means of action

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 153 pages
Poids : 274 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-8143-0236-5
EAN : 9782814302365

Science communication today, 2015

current strategies and means of action

Paru le
Broché 153 pages
organized by the Université de Lorraine
edited by Bernard Schiele, Joëlle Le Marec, Patrick Baranger
foreword by Pierre Mutzenhardt

Quatrième de couverture

Science Communication Today - 2015

Current strategies and means of action

This book reports on the work of the fifth Journées Hubert Curien, which took place in Nancy, France, from 3 to 5 June 2015, in a meeting organized as part of the Science et You project. The theme of the conference was « Current strategies and means of action ».

The fifth Journées Hubert Curien had four main objectives :

  • Confront science communication research with science mediation practices.
  • Reflect on and debate about science communication issues in different national contexts.
  • Explore the citizen dimension of science communication actions.
  • Analyse new science in society practices.

The papers presented in this book cover recent renewed interest in science communication and the reasons why policymakers want to communicate science. They describe how national contexts frame science communication actions and policies. They explore the public's demand not to be treated as passive consumers of information anymore, but as actors in their own right-not only in debates about the rightful place of science and technology within society, but also in those about research processes that affect or concern them. In this way, the authority and legitimacy of scientific knowledge are being questioned as new types of relations to knowledge are emerging.

This book brings together the 11 keynote addresses from the conference.


Patrick Baranger, Président, Hubert Curien Network for Science, Technical and Industrial Literacy in Lorraine (France)

Aziz Bensalah, Mohammed V University of Rabat (Morocco)

Massimiano Bucchi, University of Trento (Italy)

Cheng Donghong, Vice-Président, China Association for Science and Technology, Président, Chinese Association of Natural Science Museums (China)

Sook-kyoung Cho, Director, Exhibition and Education Headquarters, Gwang-ju National Science Museum (South Korea)

Alan Irwin, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)

Pierre-Benoît Joly, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (France)

Pablo Kreimer, Director, Science, Technology and Society Centre, CONICET, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Jean-Yves Le Déaut, Member of Parliament, President of the Office Parlementaire d'Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques (France)

Joëlle Le Marec, Centre de Recherche Lettres Arts Cinéma, Université Paris Diderot (France)

Marc Lipinski, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)

Elizabeth Rasekoala, Chair, Pan-African Solidarity Education Network (international)

Bernard Schiele, University of Quebec in Montreal, Inter-University Research Center on Science and Technology (Canada)

Brian Trench, independent researcher, evaluator and trainer in science communication (Ireland), President, International Network on Public Communication of Science and Technology

Avis des lecteurs