Rayon Europe
Secret London : an unusual guide

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 381 pages
Poids : 366 g
Dimensions : 11cm X 19cm
ISBN : 978-2-36195-110-8
EAN : 9782361951108

Secret London

an unusual guide

Collection(s) | Secret
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Broché 381 pages
photographs Stéphanie Rivoal, Jorge Monedero and Adam Tucker
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Quatrième de couverture

Secret London an unusual guide

Where can you find monsters in Trafalgar Square ? Whatever happened to Bedlam ? Where can you praise God, buy meatballs and have a sauna ? What's in the House of Dreams ? To which secret society does Prince Charles belong ? What's the trick to instant weight loss ?

Secret London, an unusual guide is the original and still the best of all the many alternative London guides : accept no imitation. Authors Rachel Howard and Bill Nash have prowled the city streets, seeking out the hidden, eccentric and overlooked. Now the definitive insider's guide to London has been fully updated, with over 40 new entries and a brand new look.

Far from the crowds and the usual clichés, London still reserves any number of hidden treasures for those who know how to wander off the beaten track.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Rachel Howard

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