Rayon France
See you in Périgord

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 119 pages
Poids : 464 g
Dimensions : 19cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-8177-0652-8
EAN : 9782817706528

See you in Périgord

Collection(s) | See you in
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Broché 119 pages
photographs Philippe Roy
translated by Angela Caldwell and Hilary Koziol
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Quatrième de couverture

See you in Périgord

¤ Since prehistoric times, men have left behind traces of their lives and their beliefs. Périgord is known for its decorated caves and its immensely important prehistoric remains. Later, there were castles, churches, villages, hamlets and fortified towns which arrived in succession as these sites changed with the passing seasons.

¤ A trip through Périgord is a fascinating adventure. The routes suggested in this book will help you discover this ancient region, with its turbulent history and exceptionally rich heritage.


Dominique Audrerie is president of the Périgord historic and archaeological society (SHAP). He has also written Visiter le château de Puyguilhem, Visiter le château de Bourdeilles (Éditions Sud Ouest) and Royal Périgord (Éditions Confluences).

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