Rayon Photographies
Street play

Fiche technique

Format : Relié sous jaquette
Nb de pages : 121 pages
Poids : 400 g
EAN : 9783937946160

Street play

Paru le
Relié sous jaquette 121 pages

Quatrième de couverture

New York's alphabet city in the 70s

From here to fame is a young, motivated venture run by Hip Hop individualists in collaboration with other independent publishers around the globe, who focus on Hip Hop culture. We connect a diverse group of experts including artists, journalists, authors, and anthropologists who, from their different perspectives, have observed and nurtured the development of Hip Hop.

FTHF envisions the foundation of a Hip Hop museum and cultural center. We want to communicate the history, evolution and influence of Hip Hop culture on our-society, especially to the younger generations. Our motto is : Know your history !

« Coopers'remarkable photos capture the spontaneous and improvisatory nature of children's play. Most of all her photos illuminate the way the city itself, with its alluring fire hydrants, manhole covers, and rooftops, became a gameboard in an era when unsupervised play offered children a free school of the streets. »
-Steve Zeitlin, Director of City Lore

« Street play is the outdoor interactions activities of children when free from adult supervision. Through street play, children apply their powerful imaginations to their environment, making full use of its unique space, materials and the available cast. The result is often a rich expression of games, some highly structured with teams and score, others resembling improvisational theater, where participants portray make believe figures or mimic the behaviors of neighborhood adults and older siblings.

Martha Cooper has spent much of her career capturing these miraculous moments in a variety of urban and rural settings. Here we are taken back to the 1970s, when large swaths of New York City's poor minority neighborhoods were being consumed by the fires of urban decay. Ms. Cooper reveals the innocence and the harsh realities facing these children as their exuberant play is juxtaposed against the abandoned shells littering the landscape in Manhattan's legendary Lower East Side. In this fascinating work, Ms. Cooper moves the viewer beyond the substance of the material and evokes profound questions on the eternal and entwined relationship of spiritand stone. »
-Mick Greene, founder of www.streetplay.com


From 1977 to 1980 Martha Cooper was a staff photographer on the New York Post. Between daily assignments throughout the city, she began to document unsupervised kids playing amidst the rubble of disintegrating neighborhoods. Her interest in creative play eventually led her to document graffiti, a subject which led, in turn, to Hip Hop. Martha's unique and well known photos of New York's emerging Hip Hop scene have been widely published, most recently in Hip Hop Files 1979-1984 (From Here to Fame). This collection of street play photos represents her earlier, less well known work, and many are published here for the first time.

Carlos Rodriguez aka Mare139 is a veteran of the golden years of New York City subway painting. Over the past twenty years he has transcended the prejudiced attitude towards the art form by creating innovative sculptures that echo back to the origins of style writing on trains and reach out into the realm of dynamic modern art. He has also designed the Annual Bet Award sculpture, which has been received by musical artists, athletes and actors such as Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Jay-Z, Snoop Dog, Beyoncé.

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