Rayon Selon les périodes et les styles

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 255 pages
Poids : 772 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 22cm
EAN : 9782879392998


Paru le
Broché 255 pages

Quatrième de couverture

"Changing life" : such was the watchword chosen right after the First World War by a small group of artists, Max Ernst, Hans Arp, André Masson, Louis Aragon and Paul Éluard with André Breton as leader.

The Surrealist movement, rather than just an insurrection against the ruling order, sought to be an authentic revolution, where phantasms, dreams and ravings would be acknowledged and taken into consideration.

Art in every form became the privileged means of expression of an unbridled imagination; automatic writing, incongruous combinations, erotic compositions opened the doors onto an enigmatic universe that lent itself to countless interpretations.

Madness: "It is not the fear of madness that will force us to leave the flag of imagination at half mast."

"It is living and ceasing to live that are imaginary solutions. Existence is elsewhere."

(Extract from The First Manifesto of Surrealism, 1924)


René Passeron, painter and art theorician, was one of the leaders of "Surréalisme révolutionnaire" (1946-1948). He abandoned painting between 1950 and 1960 to devote his time to philosophy. He is an honorary Director of Research at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). He is also member of the Association internationale des critiques d'art (AICA) and of the International Academy for the Philosophy of Art (Geneva).

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : René Passeron

Les inimages

La Création collective : 02 : Recherches poîétiques


Le surréalisme

Le surréalisme

Histoire de la peinture surréaliste

Exclamations philosophiques. Thèmes

Pour une philosophie de la création
