Rayon Histoire
Talk about cinema

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 256 pages
Poids : 779 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-08-020096-9
EAN : 9782080200969

Talk about cinema

Collection(s) | Talk about
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Broché 256 pages
traduit du français par David Radzinowicz
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Quatrième de couverture

Cinema is a popular art form, attractive and easily accessible to the largest of audiences. In an age of worldwide film releases, of animations designed for children and adults alike, cinema stands out as less elitist and codified than many other contemporary art genres. Vet today's eminent filmmakers make constant reference to their predecessors and the cinematic masterpieces that inspired them, adhering to a particular aesthetic.

This richly illustrated guide presents an engaging and didactic introduction to contemporary cinema, offering detailed analyses of works that are more complex than they first appear. It provides enthusiasts and novices alike with a solid base from which they con understand cinema's origins, the latest modern trends, and the styles of tomorrow.


The talk about series, created by Élisabeth Couturier, demystifies contemporary thought, from its artistic movements to major theories of the day, bridging the gap between past, present, and future.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Jean-Baptiste Thoret

Le cinéma américain des années 70

Le Nouvel Hollywood : d'Easy rider à Apocalypse now

Back to the Bone : John Carpenter

Dario Argento, magicien de la peur

Michael Cimino, les voix perdues de l'Amérique

Le cinéma américain des années 70

Dario Argento, magicien de la peur