Fiche technique
Format : Cartonné
Nb de pages : 192 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 24cm X 31cm
EAN : 9782908182675
The 1917 spring offensives
Arras, Vimy, le Chemin des Dames
Quatrième de couverture
The allied French and British offensives in the Spring of 1917 carried a formidable hope born of the previous year's battles, most notably the un-questionable success in the defence of Verdun. The new French commander-in-chief, General Nivelle, was confident that he was going to break up the enemy front at Chemin des Dames, a confidence that was shared by the entire army. In British ranks as well, the 'Big Push' was seen as the decisive attack that would bring down the German forces. This hope was further encouraged by the enemy's strategic retreat in February 1917. The allied offensive was launched on the British front on April 9: while the Canadians captured the hill at Vimy in a snow storm, the British took the Germans' first line in front of Arras, north of the Scape river. However, in spite of the Australians' sacrifice at Bullecourt, it proved impossible to capitalize on this early success. The battle got bogged down even before the French started their offensives.
This began on April 16 and immediately resulted in complete failure, despite the sacrifice of entire units, among which the Schneider tank group of commandant Bossut that was engaging the front for the first time. Plummeting morale followed on the high hopes of a quick victory. Several units chose to mutiny rather than go back to the front. Nivelle was dismissed, and it took all the know-how of his successor, general Pétain, to restore the French army's confidence.
This 200-page book, which includes about 300 rare or hitherto unpublished pictures from the archives of all the belligerent countries and private collections, is the only one entirely devoted to the crucial, if little-known, battles of the Spring of 1917. The high-quality photographs are supported by detailed captions on their historical background and the course of the fighting. This book is unmatched in Britain or France.
The author, Yves Buffetaut, wrote his doctoral thesis on Irish volunteers in the British army in the first World War. He works as editor in charge of special issues for Militaria Magazine and has published a number of books on WW1, including two Historia guidebooks on Verdun and the battles of Artois. His photographic album on the battle of Verdun was published in 1996 by Tallandier. He is the president of "Association 1914-1918".