Rayon Pièces de théâtre
The epic of Gilgamesh : the famous Sumerian epic : play in three acts

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 47 pages
Poids : 90 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 20cm
ISBN : 978-2-84924-475-3
EAN : 9782849244753

The epic of Gilgamesh

the famous Sumerian epic
play in three acts

Collection(s) | The swan song
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Broché 47 pages

Quatrième de couverture

The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh, the renowned king of Ourouk (Uruk), in Mesopotamia, comes from an age which had been wholly forgotten, until in the 19th century, archaeologists began uncovering the buried cities of the Middle East. They discovered in Iraq, the first written epic, the wonderful story of King Gilgamesh on 12 clay tablets. They saw how this King built Ourouk, one of the first cities of our world. And through his story we also see other astonishing themes such as : the passage of man from the wild to the civilized state, the beauty of the deeply human role of woman, how cruelty changes through friendship, how this friendship helps to become and defy destiny. But above all, that eternal question that we will always ask : life and death.


Dr. Saadi Younis Bahri. Born in Iraq.S.Y.B. Has both acted in and directed a range of plays including The Great Show - Gogol's Diary of a Madman - Moliere's Don Juan. In Iraq he starred in a number of films including The Seven O'clock Train, The Thirsty Ones. In Paris, where Saadi now lives, he continues his dreams : playing and directing in the fields of theater and cinema, creating theater, tales and clown shows. He has also written several books in Arabic and In French (theater, poetry, tale...), such as : Babylon my eternal love...

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