Fiche technique
Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 32 pages
Poids : 145 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 26cm
ISBN : 978-2-7373-5125-9
EAN : 9782737351259
The history of France in 110 dates
Quatrième de couverture
At a time in history when immense progress in information is taking place, we are led to believe that nothing in the universe can completely elude us. Therefore, it seems quite worthwhile to take a simple and clear look back at the past of one of the nations that constitutes modern-day Europe. The 110 dates chosen for this book mark many of the milestones in the history of France : major events and famous men, grand monuments and scientific discoveries. This book is addressed to everyone who wishes to refresh their memory of their first knowledgeable foundations in history. You will find an introduction to the history of the country by browsing through the clearly dated articles ; each one deals with a time period or vestige of the past.