Rayon Gestion des entreprises
The Logan epic : new trajectories for innovation

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : VII-264 pages
Poids : 482 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-10-058996-8
EAN : 9782100589968

The Logan epic

new trajectories for innovation

Collection(s) | Stratégies et management
Paru le
Broché VII-264 pages
foreword Carlos Ghosn
translation by Alan Sitkin
Public motivé

Quatrième de couverture

Innovation isn't what it used to be Traditionally a synonym for sophistication, hi-tech and expense, today it means seeking frugality, mining segments that the competition has abandoned and accessing new customers whose modest incomes meant they were once ignored. The West used to conceptualise innovation for its own purposes. Today, it is being developed increasingly for - and soon by - the emerging world.

The Logan's adventure epitomises these new innovation trajectories and outlines new frontiers for its industry. The question then becomes how and why a company like Renault chose this path; how it withstood so many surprises and obstacles to become one most spectacular success stories of the early 21st century; and whether this success might destabilise European industrialists' traditional development model.

Following an in-depth investigation behind the scenes at Renault and Dacia, the book's three authors - economists and managers specialised in the automotive industry - provide an answer to these and other questions.

Beyond the automotive sector, the book is also useful to anyone tracking current upheavals in the world's economic equilibrium and interested in how corporate innovation processes might contribute to this trend.


Bernard Jullien is Assistant Professor at the University of Bordeaux, specialising in industrial economics. Since 2006, he has been Director of GERPISA, an international network for social science research specialising in the automotive industry and based in Cachan at the Ecole Normale Supérieure.

Yannick Lung is Professor in Economics at the University of Bordeaux and has supervised a number of international scientific projects analysing mutations in the automotive industry. With Bernard Jullien, he has already published a book entitled, Industrie automobile : la croisée des chemins.

Christophe Midler is the Ecole Polytechnique's Director, Management Research Centre and Professor responsible for the Chair in Management and Innovation. With research interests focusing on corporate innovation strategy and management, he has published a number of texts and articles in this area, notably L'auto qui n'existait pas (Dunod, 2004).

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