Rayon La Bible
The minister and God's wrath : a biblical story about corruption

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 120 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 12cm X 19cm
ISBN : 978-2-84849-176-9
EAN : 9782848491769

The minister and God's wrath

a biblical story about corruption

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Broché 120 pages
preface Dina Taïwé Kolyang
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Quatrième de couverture

There has never been so much talk about corruption, in almost every country in the world. But there are two slogans which weaken the struggle against this gangrené « It's not serious, everybody is doing it » and « Nothing can be done ». The goal of this biblical novel is to point out the falsity of thèse slogans. The author wants to shake up the decision-makers who are believers by showing them that God is enraged against this scourge, even if his mercy is always offered to corruptors and corrupt alike, who repent. He also wants to show that there are possibilities available today, for a more effective struggle. « When one loves, one is indignant ! » This is first of all true of God, because he loves ail his children and cannot tolerate the suffering and corruption that weighs on the poorest.


Yves Saoût obtained a degree both in theology and in holy Scripture in Rome, he studied at the French School of biblical and archeological studies in Jérusalem , taught for three years at the Senior Seminary of Yaoundé, served as parish priest and formator in the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo, Cameroon, for 15 years. He also taught Scripture in his native diocèse (Quimper) in France, as well as in Bolivia, for four monthly stints, annually. over a period of 14 years. Of him it can also be said :« When one loves, one is indignant ! »

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