Rayon Relations internationales
The Qatar blockade : the failed offensive : information warfare, game of influence, economic standoff

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 302 pages
Poids : 422 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 21cm
ISBN : 979-10-370-0061-3
EAN : 9791037000613

The Qatar blockade

the failed offensive
information warfare, game of influence, economic standoff

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Broché 302 pages
preface by Renaud Girard
Public motivé

Quatrième de couverture

The Qatar Blockade : The Failed Offensive

Information warfare, game of influence, economic standoff

Widespread disinformation, use of social and state media, news agency hacking, fake news broadcasts, constant pressure on international organisations... all the modem means of communications are being put to use to influence public opinion and governments. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and their allies are attempting to subjugate the state of Qatar through these means and by deploying an economic blockade. But the country has shown surprising resilience.

François Chauvancy, a general who has contributed to the research of Nato's working groups into strategies of influence and information operations (2005-2014), shares his analysis of this war of influence in this book.


François Chauvancy is a retired brigadier general. Following his military career, which took him to the Middle East and Africa, he now teaches on issues of defence and influence in several universities. Regular contributor on defence matters, he also writes a blog on defence and security issues for Le Monde.

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