Fiche technique
Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 45 pages
Poids : 137 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-84368-208-7
EAN : 9782843682087
The United Nations
Quatrième de couverture
The United Nations
The United Nations exercises a worldwide responsibility and, yet, too often is little known by the general public.
When and why was the United Nations founded ?
What are its ideals, its goals and the means at its disposal for reaching them ? What is its structure ?
How does it function ? What are the problems it faces day-to-day and in the long term ?
How can the men and women who head the organization and work for it, set aside the conflicts their own countries are involved in and devote their energies to the realization of mankind's loftiest goals : the establishment of a just and lasting peace for all in the world ?
This small book describes in simple and concrete terms the « network » of the United Nations as it functions today.
It shows why, in the beginning of our 21st century, it is of the utmost importance to preserve and strengthen this unique instrument of action which was created to serve people and nations all over the world.