Rayon Asie

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 375 pages
Poids : 355 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 19cm
EAN : 9781864501629


Collection(s) | Travel guides
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Broché 375 pages

Quatrième de couverture

Join Lonely Planet on a pilgrimage to the roof of the world. Whether your quest is for historical insight, rugged trekking or quiet revelation, this guide will enlighten you on your journey through Tibet.

  • 41 maps for navigating everything from mountains to monasteries
  • special sections on the Buddhist pantheon and Lhasa's Jokhang
  • hints on cutting through red tape : permits, visas and the Public Security Bureau
  • the lowdown on food and drink : learning to love yak-butter tea
  • detailed trekking information : how to reach your own Shangri-la
  • Avis des lecteurs