Fiche technique
Format : Relié sous jaquette
Nb de pages : 232 pages
Poids : 1906 g
Dimensions : 25cm X 32cm
ISBN : 978-2-08-030108-6
EAN : 9782080301086
Women aviators
from Amelia Earhart to Sally Ride, making history in air and space
Quatrième de couverture
To take to the skies, you have to love flying. Passionately. As aeronauts, aviators, or astronauts, women have left their mark in the sky since the inception of aviation over a century ago. Intrepid lady balloonists left kings and emperors aghast when they first rose up in their gondolas, set flight while on horseback, or swung from their trapezes without a parachute.
Despite the prejudice they came up against in this predominantly male field, women showed the same daredevil attitude and courage when it came to flying airships, airplanes, rockets, and jets. In knickerbockers, a leather jumpsuit, or a high-tech spacesuit, the "fairer sex" has never ceased to carry off the most amazing feats. Amelia Earhart, Hélène Boucher, Hanna Reitsch, Jackie Cochran, Sally Ride: these women refused to take no for an answer and, in doing so, they won their place in history.