Rayon France
Wonderful Mont Saint-Michel

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 64 pages
Poids : 230 g
Dimensions : 18cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-7373-6571-3
EAN : 9782737365713

Wonderful Mont Saint-Michel

Collection(s) | Wonderful
Paru le
Broché 64 pages
photography Hervé Champollion
translation id2m
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Quatrième de couverture

This book invites you to discover the origins of the Mont Saint-Michel and its troubled history. Read about the architectural prowes behind the abbey, which has fascinated travellers since the Middle Ages.

The book also provides a step-by-step guide through the town and monastery, revealing their secrets and hidden treasures.


Lucien Bély is a professor at the Sorbonne.

Hervé Champollion is a photographer specialising in heritage.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Lucien Bély

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